Monday 30 June 2014

End and Beginning

It is June 30th.  Most students are gone.  Most of you finished your credits for this year although a few will carry over to be completed in the fall.  Our first day back will be Tuesday, September 2nd.  If you are already registered, you will be able to start work that day.  If you did not decide to register before the summer, you can register then and start work as I have work for you.

What's new for the fall?

For starters, you are looking at our newest addition - a blog that is all ours'.  I will try to have information and links all in one place.  When you take ELA and during some other courses, you will need to set up a blog that takes you through the year and links to this site.

The other new addition will be Guitar 20L as an elective.  This is for you if you are a beginner or if you are a pro.  There will be times to learn, times to practice, and times to jam together.  If you have a favorite guitarist, you will be able to find and study some of their licks as part of this course.  Hopefully, and if all goes well, Guitar 10 and 30 will also become available in the future.  (P.S.  If you need access to a guitar, let me know and we will see what we can find, beg, borrow, or scrounge!)

Finally, full time students will mostly be taking a math and an ela in the fall with access to Guitar and Phys.Ed./Wellness throughout the year.  In the new year, we will mostly be looking at Sciences and History or Native Studies.  This should give all full time students 6 credits.  Anyone who works ahead may take any other courses to fill in their course needs or interests.  Most full time students should be looking at a goal of up to 8 credits per year.

Now, you enjoy your summer while I scheme and plan and revise and tweak your courses for the fall!  See you on September 2nd at 9 am!